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Immigrating has the potential to be the best step you have ever taken, but it can also be a daunting prospect. A new country with different rules, customs, and expectations might be hard to grasp. However, the rewards of life in a country with a free public school system, a tax-funded healthcare system, and a welcoming attitude toward immigrants, like Canada, are more than enough to justify the move for many. If your attention has been captured by the opportunities offered when migrating to Canada, you might be beginning to wonder exactly what life there could look like for you and your family.

This article aims to provide a look at everyday life and opportunities both in the cities and in a wider field in Canada.

Employment Opportunities

This is an important factor for many and can be the difference between success and failure as an immigrant. If you are not a Canadian citizen or permanent resident, you will need a Canada work permit to work legally in Canada. This needs to be obtained before you come to Canada and generally requires an offer of employment to have been made before the application, or for an entrepreneur to set up their own business upon receiving a work permit. Despite the challenges that 2020 and the COVID-19 pandemic brought to economies across the world, several sectors in Canada are already targeting foreign workers for recruitment. 

Labour Welders, drivers, and heavy-duty mechanics are all in-demand positions in Canada right now. With haulage, agriculture, and construction being some of the few exceptions to COVID-19 related travel restrictions, these positions are deemed essential for the continuation of these growing industries. These positions are available in both urban and rural settings, with the rural options in many cases.

Healthcare System

Healthcare is another evident area that has been exempt from COVID-19 restrictions. The healthcare industry is expecting to have an abundance of vacancies for registered nurses and occupational therapists which will require workers in the coming year. These are essential positions, and healthcare workers are highly valued in Canada. 

Business: Although this area is still seeing the effects of lockdowns and remote working, the industry is working hard to bounce back. While the government is working to re-establish economic stability, certain positions are important to fill to achieve this. Accountants and business development managers will be vital in helping companies remain compliant with any new rules and regulations that arise because of the pandemic.

Canadian Healthcare: As we mentioned in the introduction, healthcare in Canada is paid for through taxes. This doesn’t cover optical or dental healthcare for adults. Outpatient treatment as well as prescription drugs may also not be covered. Many Canadians also have private health insurance through employment or social schemes.

Education System

Canada has both public and private education systems are available. Primary school children may attend school for free throughout the country. Post-secondary education is also state-funded in some provinces. Tuitions for Canadian residents can cost as much as onethird of that compared to international students.

Learn the Official Languages

Canada is officially a bilingual country with two languages, English and French, both of which are official languages, with just over a fifth of the population speaking French as their first language. These are the two most widely used languages in the world by non-native speakers, which makes Canada an easy place for communication for most immigrants. English as a second language classes are also widely available, while French is often taught to children in school.

Research and Choose the Right Province

Property and Ownership: Townhouses, farmhouses, villas, apartments, bungalows – Canada has them all and in an abundance of different settings to suit the needs of different families. Property in Canada is easy to find, easy to buy, and legal for international buyers to own. In fact, in Canada, non-residents have the same ownership rights as residents do. 

Food and Drink: This is easy to take for granted, but depending on where you are from, Canadian staples might be vastly different from what you are accustomed to. Poutine, bagels, salmon, and potatoes are a few popular choices that will be recognisable by people across the world, and Canada does boast a wealth of international cuisines via restaurants and takeaways in all of its provinces. In most large cities, it is easy to find cuisine that will suit each family’s ideals. 


Although food & drink constitute entertainment for many of us, what else does Canada have to offer in the way of entertainment for the locals? From outdoor pursuits like skiing, snowboarding, and canoeing to museums, galleries, and theatres, everything is readily available in Canada. They also have some of the biggest mega-malls in the world, where there are so many outlets you are bound to find what you like or need.

Hockey, lacrosse, and gridiron football are other sports that are all widely played and followed in Canada. For Westerners, life in Canada will probably be fairly similar in many ways to your home country. Many brands you know and love will still be available and the structures and rules will be at least vaguely familiar to what you are already used to. 

Create a moving checklist in Canada

The immigration process for moving to Canada involves several key steps. First, individuals must determine the most suitable immigration-based program based on factors like employment, family sponsorship, or skilled migration. Once the appropriate program is identified, applicants need to complete the required application forms, providing accurate and detailed information. Documentation requirements typically include proof of identity, educational and professional qualifications, financial stability, and, if applicable, a letter of invitation or job offer. After applying, individuals may be required to attend biometrics appointments and undergo medical examinations. Timely payment of the associated fees is crucial. The application is then processed by Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), and if approved, applicants can proceed with the necessary arrangements for their move to Canada.

Canada has the added advantage of being extremely immigrant friendly. Unlike other countries, which may see immigrants as an economic burden, Canada fully recognizes the value of immigrants to its economy. This is why the number of immigration programs in Canada far exceeds those in other countries. Canada is ready to welcome everyone from students to skilled workers to entrepreneurs and investors with open arms. For more information on our Canadian immigration visa programs, click here.


The basic requirements to move to Canada typically include obtaining a visa or permit based on factors such as employment, family sponsorship, or skilled migration. Applicants may need to demonstrate financial stability, pass background checks, and undergo medical examinations.

To apply for a Canadian visa program, individuals typically need to choose the appropriate visa category, complete the application form, and gather the required documents, including proof of identity, purpose of visit, financial means, and, if applicable, a letter of invitation. They must pay the required fees, submit the application online or by mail, and await processing. Depending on the visa type, applicants might need to attend biometrics appointments and medical examinations.

To move to Canada, you typically need a valid visa or permit based on factors like employment, family sponsorship, or skilled migration. Requirements include proof of identity, the purpose of stay, financial means, and, if applicable, medical examinations.

by Preeya Malik

by Preeya Malik

MD, Step Global

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