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For those looking to immigrate to the US, you may find yourself overwhelmed by the choices and various routes by which you can obtain entry. There are visa programs to cover different circumstances, and choosing the correct option is paramount to your likelihood of a successful application. With a visa by investment immigration programs, you can obtain residency and citizenship in the US through a financial contribution. This will allow you and your family to immigrate to the US and, in some cases apply for a US green card, which will then allow for a citizenship application in the future. There are other options for businesses wishing to bring staff into the country that do not necessarily lead to permanent status but allow them to work in the US for sustained periods. Other mitigating factors for certain applications involve your current country of residence’s trade agreement with the US, your capital, business intentions, and your current country of residence or citizenship.  

US EB-5 Immigrant Investor Visa Programme

The US EB-5 immigrant investor visa is the country’s most popular program. Your investment will need to employ ten American workers and will be passively placed into projects or developments. After five years, if the project is a success, your money will be returned. These types of investments are deemed ‘at risk’, as the government wants these to be true investments with a chance of reward and risk of loss. This EB-5 immigration program provides US green cards for you and your family and the option to apply for citizenship after 5 years of holding the green card, should you fulfill the residency requirements of 2.5 out of 5 years of physical residency in the US.

US EB-5 Visa Investment Options:

Two types of investment options make you eligible for an EB-5 visa:

  1. EB-5 Visa Investment in Regional Centers
  2. EB-5 Visa Direct Investment

EB-5 Visa Investment in Regional Centers

With the regional center investment, your capital needs to be invested in a new commercial enterprise that is associated with a regional center (an administrative body approved by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services – USCIS). The geographic areas for investment are chosen to promote economic growth and offer a $900,000 reduction in investment if it also falls in a Targeted Employment Area (TEA). This EB-5 visa program dictates that the investment must come from proven sources, making the source of funds portion of the application most important.

EB-5 Visa Direct Investment

The direct EB-5 investment option gives you control of your money. This can be invested in your business proposal. The business must employ ten people for a minimum of two years and again, if the investment is made within USCIS-approved locations there is a discounted investment option. The processing time for an EB-5 direct investment is roughly two years.

Know More Difference Between Two Investment Options: EB-5 Direct Investments vs. EB-5 Regional Center Investments

E2 Treaty Investor Visa

To oversee your investment and enter the U.S. early, you can get an early entry by combining it with an E-2 visa application, which generally takes around six months. E-2 investment visa for citizens of countries with an investment treaty in place with the US, it is possible to take the route of an E-2 visa. These applications are the quickest route into the US, although do not offer permanent residency or a green card. Granted for up to five years, the E-2 has varying levels of requirements for investment, determined by the industry in which you invest. These visas are commonplace for individuals who genuinely want to start and operate a business in the US. There is nothing to stop an EB-5 direct investor from gaining entry first through the E-2 program, becoming both the sponsor and the applicant while waiting for their EB-5 to be processed.

L-1 Intracompany Transferee Visa

An L-1 intracompany visa is a non-immigrant visa category in the United States that is designed to bring in executives, directors, or specialist knowledge employees of foreign-based companies into the US for a period of up to seven years. The L-1 is also extended to business owners who wish to open branches, subsidiaries, or affiliates of their company abroad in the US. These visas are used by companies wishing to establish an office in the US. The requirements are that the applicant has worked in a management position for one in the last three years, outside of the US for the same company. This can also include parent companies, subsidiaries, affiliates, or branch offices of the company outside the US. With the L-1 visa, there is no quota. Successful applicants will be granted a three-year stay, with the option to extend to seven. After seven years the L-1 visa holder must have another plan or option to stay in the US. Often the L-1 visa is succeeded by the plan to do an EB-1C and get a green card through that process after a couple of years rather than continuing on an L-1.


While the U.S. EB-5 visa program is a relatively low-risk investment route for applicants, there are always inherent risks associated with any investment, even the most low-risk ones. Some of the risks include low returns, policy changes, and operational risks.

Yes, through the U.S. EB-5 visa program, applicants can gain a green card and eventually citizenship in the USA.

There are a few other investment based U.S. visa programs, however none of them are as secure and can match the approval rates of the EB-5 Program. These include the E-2 Treaty Investor Visa, E-1 Treaty Trader Visa and L-1 Intracompany Transferee Visa.

by Deepanshu Choudhry

by Deepanshu Choudhry

Legal Manager, Step Global

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